Today in Khabar Bhitrako Khabar brings you local mysteries News Flash, Wife Seeking Justice for her Husband who was found dead last month. She telling the local people and local media her Husband was killed by local police. The investigation of case is under way.
Speaking at an interaction at the Reporters' Club Nepal wife claims that her husband was killed by Police. Police haven't said anything yet regarding the incident.Today in Khabar Bhitrako Khabar brings you local mysteries News FlashWife Seeking Justice for her Husband who was found dead last month. She telling the local people and local media her Husband was killed by local police.
The investigation of case is under way.
Speaking at an interaction at the Reporters' Club Nepal wife claims that her husband was killed by Police. Police haven't said anything yet regarding the incident.Today in Khabar Bhitrako Khabar brings you local mysteries News FlashWife Seeking Justice for her Husband who was found dead last month. She telling the local people and local media her Husband was killed by local police.
The investigation of case is under way.
Today in Khabar Bhitrako Khabar brings you local mysteries News Flash
Speaking at an interaction at the Reporters' Club Nepal wife claims that her husband was killed by Police. Police haven't said anything yet regarding the incident.