Deepa Shree Purposes Deepak Raj Giri on Valentine's day 2015, Every Year Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14.
Valentine’s Day is named for a Christian martyr and dates back to the 5th century, but has origins in the Roman holiday Lupercalia. However, in recent years it has taken universal character as “day of romance”.

The development of media, especially TV and Radio started in early 90s in South Asia. People who are in schools and colleges generally celebrate this day with much interest.
Other takes it as a good refreshing day as it comes. Most of the people in Nepal still see Valentine’s Day as a day for young people and kids. However, now with the increase usage of social media and internet, people in Nepal started getting some feel of Valentine’s Day and began to recognize its presence. However, there is no official celebration in the country.
Valentine’s Day is not still able to establish its celebration pattern as it is recently imported it. It is at a kind of growing process.